an Easter Sunday prayer

Here is an Easter Sunday prayer to help you pray during this period of Easter in the church calendar as you celebrate together with other Christian, concerning the occasion that is very important.

Find the prayer below here

Heavenly Father, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I come before you at this hour with thanksgiving in my heart thanking you for this wonderful day that you have given me, thank you for allowing me to call upon you, as I join my fellow brethren in Christ to celebrate this occasion, we ask you remind us that we need to totally surrender to you because you are merciful and have great plans to each and every one of us, thank you for sending your son Jesus Christ to die for us on the cross, as we mark this occasion together, continue blessing us always in the name of our Lord Jesus I pray and believe.Amen

an Easter Sunday prayer

Our heavenly Father,We a joy to come before you at this hour with thanksgiving in our hearts, we thank you for allowing us to be here today during this Easter period, we honor and praise you as the church, thank you for allowing us to call upon you before we start this service, may your divine presence be with us as we begin, thank you for the Holy Spirit that is ministering to us as we begin to the end, thank you for  hearing and answering our prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus we pray and believe.Amen

an Easter Sunday prayer

God of mercy what a joy to come before your presence this sunday morning with thanksgiving in our hearts knowing that you hear us, thank you for this wonderful day that also happen to be the Easter Sunday in the Christian calendar, we thank you in one accord for allowing us to be here,as we fellowship together and also remember the resurrection of Jesus, we pray that we may see this truth so that the same power that raised Jesus from the death, may dwell and be in us, thank you for the power that is  moving right now during this beautiful Sunday morning, as start this day, we pray for your presence to abide with us forever, thank you for who you are in our lives, thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name we pray and believe.Amen

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