classroom prayer after class

Here is the classroom prayer after class that you can download and use it, the ready to use prayer is below here and can print it as it is.

Dear loving Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus, we want to thank you for this class, thank you for this day, thank you for the whole classroom, we have come to an end of the class today, we commit everything we have learn today  to your able hands, help us to retain in our mind, we pray that may it help us to improve our worldview and also develop ourselves, we thank you for each and every one of one of us  who came for the class today, we pray for our teacher, bless her abundantly, we thank for this school and the management, we thank our parents who made it possible for us to come here and learn,  we pray for the stakeholders of this school, as we leave here pray that you guide and protect us, we pray that you guide our steps, we pray  that you lead us as you have promised, until we meet again for another class, we shall forever glorify and praise you,  thank you for hearing and answering our prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

classroom prayer after class

Dear loving Father in heaven

classroom prayer after class

classroom prayer after class

Thank you for this day

classroom prayer after class

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