company prayer before work

Here is the company prayer before work that can help you pray as you kick off the day at your work place so that God can take charge and guide you through the working hours.

Dear loving Father in heaven, we come before you at this moment, thanking you for bringing us together this morning hours, thank you for the gift of life and thank you for your faithfulness, we have come together in this company where you have made it possible for us to work, as we ask for your divine protection and guidance here at our work place, we thank you for your mercies and love that you have for us, thank you for the opportunity you have given us to work in this place,fill us with wisdom and knowledge so that we can perform all the activities meant to help the company move forward with high decorum, be with us as we start this day and also be with us through the day, for we pray believing in the mighty name of our lord Jesus.Amen.

company prayer before work

Our loving Father in heaven, what a joy to come before your presence this morning with thanksgiving, we honor and praise you for the love you have for us as colleagues in this company, as we start this day, we call upon you to be with us as we start this day, thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name we pray and believe.Amen

company prayer before work

company prayer before work

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