Here is the daily prayer for healing to pray to God and ask Him to heal you from your suffering and restore back your health, so that you can be free from any suffering.
Dear loving Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus, I want to thank you for giving me this privilege to call upon you at this hour when am suffering, dear loving Father, please set me free from this suffering, heal me Lord so that I can be free and restore my health according to your word, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name.Amen
Thank you Lord
Dear loving Father who is in heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus, let me take this precious moment,despite my emotional suffering, I know you love me, that is why I commit everything to your able hands , I stand by the promised you have given in your word knowing that they are all yes and amen, help me Lord to heal my emotions and also help me to restore back to my normal life, give me the strength to be able to carry one, thank you for your mercies, I will forever glorify you, thank you for the far you have brought, I honor and praise, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name. Amen
God of mercy, in the name of our Lord Jesus, I come before your presence at this hour knowing that you do hear, I know from your promise in the word that through the stripes am healed, I cling to that promise and wait upon thee to heal me from this infirmity that is affecting my body, I claim healing upon my body at this hour, thank you for your love and care, I honor and praise you, I will forever praise and glorify you, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer through the name of Jesus I pray and believe. Amen
Loving God who is in heaven, what a joy to come before your presence knowing that you do hear me, thank you for giving me this opportunity to call upon, I ask you to heal me from this suffering , I trust that you will heal me completely and restore my health, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name. Amen
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