Here is the end of bible study prayer that you can use to end a bible study that you have been having as an individual or as a group
Below is the end prayer after a bible study.
Dear loving Father, thank you for allowing me to call upon you through the name of our Lord Jesus, thank you for being my father and always ready to help me, thank you for the Holy Spirit that is guiding and teaching me to know your will. Lord of heaven, thank you because you have enable me to keep on trusting in you.
The word that have already read is life and spirit to me, may it help me to know and trust you more, thank you for sending the word to heal and deliver us from destruction.
As I meditate on it, may it stick to my heart so that it can help me at the appointed time. Thank you Lord because you have never failed me, you always keep your word and are looking at it to make sure it accomplishes what it was send to do.
Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen
Closing prayer for bible study
My loving Father, I want to thank you for your love and care, thank you for giving me the opportunity to study your word, I will praise you forever because this is your will, enlighten my inner mind to so that I can keep growing through the mercies that you have provided in Jesus Christ. I know this is your will for me and it is life and spirit, I thank you for saving me through your grace and hope that you will never leave nor forsake me in Jesus name I pray and believe. Amen
closing prayer after bible study
Dear loving father,I come before you through the mighty name of Jesus,thanking you for the care and love, thank you for speaking to me through your word, I have faith that it is spirit and life,it is through it that I can live a righteous life, you have spoken to me and help me now to live according to what you have revealed to me, May your name be lifted up forever and ever. Amen
sample prayer before bible study
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