Follow me bible verse study

We want to do follow me bible verse study here so that we can know exactly what Jesus meant when he said we follow him

We all know that in our common life, when a person asks us to follow him, a question will arise in our mind...I follow him or her to where? What exactly is this person having in mind when he tells to follow him?

Let us allow the Holy Spirit to teach what it means to follow Jesus in the context of the Bible.

Opening prayer before bible study of the verse

Dear loving God , thank you for allowing me to open this scripture, May the Holy Spirit enlighten my inner mind to be able to understand what you this  verse to teach and remind me, I give you honor and glory for your promise that you will never leave and forsake me, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name I pray and believe.  Amen 

follow me bible verse study

In this study we want to dig together and learn more what Jesus meant to follow him when he called the disciples as well as when he spoke to the congregation concerning carrying the cross and following him.

Our purpose to discover what it means to follow Jesus as we learn to pray to our Father God.

Looking in the scripture, we find at least some verses that carry the word follow me..

Here are the scriptures..

19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”(Mathew 4:19)

24 Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.(Mathew 16:24)

follow me bible verse study

Background study...

The words follow me were uttered by Jesus to men who were at work. This happened immediately Jesus had left wilderness after being there for forty days and nights.

He retreated to Capernaum to begin his ministry as it was prophesied.

As we do this study of Follow me verse, you need to remember that Jesus was acting according to the written word which at the time was the old testament.

As he was walking in the sea of Galilee, he had to have people to train in the ministry who will become disciples.

He found fishermen by the name Simon and Andrew whom were casting nets down to fish and he called them to follow make them fishers of men.

follow me bible verse study

The Greek word translated "Follow me" is 'deute' which is translated as in come hither and come hither means a look that is flirty or expressing an interest to a person or showing sexual interest.

This is not an ordinary look but a look of intimacy.

Jesus showed interest on their work and may they were in wrong place. This can mean they were passionate but in the wrong career.

Have you ever toiled hard but later find that you are in the wrong profession.

Jesus has come to reconnect us to the purpose that God created us for because the word of God says..God knew us before were born...Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations(Jeremiah 1:5)

The look that Jesus is giving is to suggest that leave all that you are doing and turn around because the word "opiso" in Greek which means behind or backwards follow 'deute'

Let us leave wrong relationships, neighborhoods ,jobs and friends and connect ourselves to Jesus

Hope you have gotten what follow me verse means in the context..

Be blessed as you do a bible study to know more about the will of God for your life.

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