Below is a healing prayer request form that you can fill your details and our team will pray for you
We believe in the power of prayer and that is how this prayer ministry was born.We saw a gap that that need to be filled and we decided to stand in between.
When you leave your name and the details below, we assure that we are going to pray for you
Oh God, in the name of our Lord Jesus, I want to take this precious moment to thank you for allowing me to call upon you, knowing that you do care , thank you because through thy scripts am healing, thank you because you have promised in your word that you have healed me from any manner of diseases, I honor and praise for hearing and answering my prayer through the name of Jesus I prayer and believe. Amen
Prayer requests for healing.
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on yest tue mike ate out lasagna and now 24 hrs later 3/27/19 he has cramps in stomach can hardly walk its very likely food poisoning he wont go to emerg …
Healing comes from God and we have so many promises in the bible that talks about healing.
Let us explore them so that when you pray,can claim them.
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