morning prayer for students

Here is the morning prayer for students that can guide and help you are you do a morning prayer with the students in school

Dear loving Father in heaven, through the name of our Lord Jesus, we want to thank you for allowing us to be here today, thank you for bringing us together to this school, as we start the day, we commit the activities of the day to your able hands, we ask you for your wisdom and knowledge to be able to do well what is before us, thank you for the teachers who are going to teach, thank you for the parents who have made sure that we are here, thank you for all who are wishing us well, as we start this day, may we see your hand during this day, thank you for the love you have for us and thank for the administration, we honor and glorify you for the love you have for us thank you for hearing and answering our prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

morning prayer for students

morning prayer for students

Thank you Lord for this day

morning prayer for students

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