opening prayer for anniversary celebration

Here is the opening prayer for anniversary celebration that you have been invited to offer an opening prayer during the occasion.

Dear loving Father who is in heaven, I want to take this precious opportunity to thank you have given us this morning to celebrate this wonderful occasion in our church, thank you for bringing us from far and wide to congregate here, we thank you for your mercies and care, thank you for the visitors who have joined us today to celebrate with us, thank you for our pastor and thank you for the church management, as we start this program we ask for the Holy Spirit to guide and help us finish well this exercise, thank you for your goodness, we pray and believing in Jesus name.Amen

opening prayer for anniversary celebration

The Lord is good and His mercies endures forever.

Oh God in heaven, thank you for giving us this precious opportunity to come together to celebrate this event, thank you for giving us your grace to organize and make sure it is ready, thank you for all that in one way or another made it possible to make this day a success, thank you for each and every one of us who found time to come and celebrate with us, we pray that you be with us as we begin this event, guide and protect us all through, thank you for your mercies that endures forever, we thank you for this wonderful opportunity, thank you for hearing and answering our prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus we pray and believe.Amen

opening prayer for anniversary celebration

Thank you Lord for this day, thank you for the love we are sharing today, we thank you for your grace, may your name be glorified forever and ever.amen

opening prayer for anniversary celebration

Oh God,  through the mercies of our Lord Jesus, I want to thank you for giving me this chance to call upon you at this hour, I know that your ear is listening to my cries,nothing have tried out as ever worked, I feel that my life is stuck  and I know you are the only one who will sort me out, you are the only one who has good plans for me, everyone else has left me and it is like am carrying a head Lord in my shoulder , thank you because you are ready to help me, I trust and know that you hear and answer me in Jesus name i pray and believe. Amen

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