opening prayer for prayer meeting

Here is the opening prayer for prayer meeting to use when you are about to start a prayer meeting as a group or a class.

Below is the opening prayer

opening prayer for prayer meeting

Dear heavenly Father, thank you for helping me reach at my work place safely, I don't take for granted and that is why am here to give you honor and glory, thank you for your love and care,through the name of our Lord Jesus ,I want to thank you for your mercies,as I start the prayer meeting, may your divine hand be with me through the day and bless me abundantly through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

opening prayer for prayer meeting

Oh God,good morning to you my Father,I want to come before you this morning rejoicing that you have woken me up to go and perform on the purpose that you created me for,in the name of our Lord Jesus want to thank you for the gift of life and care,it is your grace that has enabled me to see this day,as I set out now and go and join my fellow colleagues for the prayer meeting whom I feel honored to work with, may you go with me and protect me from any harm and danger,thank you for your love and care for I pray and believe in the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

opening prayer for prayer meeting

Lord of mercy,let me come before you through the name of Jesus,giving you thanks for the care that you have given me,at this hour before I start working,I want to thank you for the opportunity you have given me to work in this place,help me to be blessing to many and I know you will use me as a weak vessel so that when people will look at me they will see you Jesus,thank you for giving me strength to serve,thank you for hearing and answering my prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

opening prayer for prayer meeting

Oh Lord,I want to come before you through the mighty name of our Lord Jesus with thanksgiving in my, I feel honored to call upon because of the privilege granted to me by Jesus Christ,thank you for making it possible for me to see another day,as I set out to go and work on the work you have blessed my hands to do,I want to thank you because you are with me,thank you for your favor that you have for me,may your name be lifted up forever and ever,Amen.

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