prayer before leaving house in the morning

Here is a sample prayer before leaving house in the morning that you can use to pray to our heavenly Father before leave the house in the morning

Before you embark to start the activities of the day, it is good to take your time in prayer.

Prayer is the key to keep bad luck a way from your life, we also encourage you to give us your name and email so that we can keep on praying for you anywhere you are in the world.

Whenever you feel down,just pray and all shall be well.

The is good and we are encouraged to call upon Him and will show us great and marvelous things that we don't know.

My dear loving Father who is in heaven, let me come before you this morning through the name of our Lord Jesus, thanking you for your love and care,you have guided and protected me through the night through your mercies.

As I set to go out and attend to what you have blessed my hands with, I take this time to thank you for your mercies that you have renewed this morning according to the book of Lamentations 3:22-23 which says..Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,for his compassions never fail.23 They are new every morning;great is your faithfulness.24 I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;   therefore I will wait for him.”

Dear loving Lord what a joy in my heart to know that you are with me as I go out and you shall guide me when I come in,your promise never fails and may you be glorified now and forever more.

Loving Father I want to also pray that, may I see your hand in every area that I will visit, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name.Amen

prayer before leaving house in the morning

Dear loving Father, what a joy to wake up strong this morning as I prepare to leave my house to go and work, thank you for the protection and care you gave me through the night,thank you for the ministering angels that guarded me as I was asleep.

Lord of mercy as your word in 1 John 4:4 which says the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. Dear Father, may your hand be upon me so that whoever will cross my line during the day will feel your presence and everything I'm going to touch may it be blessed abundantly.

Thank you Lord for you always here and answer our prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

morning prayer before leaving the house

Dear loving God, I humbly come before you this morning through the name of our Lord Jesus,thank you for enabling me to see this day,you have promised in the book of Lamentations 3:22 that you will renew your mercies each morning,before I leave this house that your have blessed me with,I want to ask you to go before me and open doors that no man will shut, help me to be a blessing to many,give me strength to withstand any pressure,I praise and glorify you forever for I pray through the name of our Lord Jesus,Amen

short prayer before leaving the house

Oh God who is in heaven, thank you for making me see this morning, I commit everything to your able hands that I will do during this day, as I leave the house be with me and protect me from any harm and danger, thank you for your goodness and mercies, guide me and help me to spot opportunities that you have place ahead of me, thank you for your love and care for I pray and believing in the name of our Lord Jesus.amen.

Heavenly Father,  in the name of Jesus Christ I come before you this morning, a brighter morning that you have given me and enabled me to see in my life, I thank you for the grace that you have given that is sufficient to carry  me all through the day, as I leave my house this morning, I ask you to go and come with me in the evening as you have promised through the name of Jesus I pray and believe. Amen

prayer for leaving the house

I hope the above samples have served you well.

We thank God for the opportunity God gives us to pray and communicate to Him always. And He has told us to pray always. We need to pray without ceasing

We thank God for the mercies always.

prayer before leaving house in the morning

Dear loving Father who is in heaven, thank you for waking me up this morning to leave the house and go to work, I want to ask you for your protection and care through the day, give me wisdom and knowledge to be able to serve all the people who will pass through my hands with love, help me to be of great value to others so that your name can be glorified, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name.Amen

Monday morning prayer

prayer before leaving house in the morning

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