prayer before parent teacher meeting

Here is the prayer before parent teacher meeting that you can use and can also guide you as you prepare for the meeting that will take place soon. Find the prayer below here

Dear loving Father in heaven, we want to thank you for allowing us to be here today, thank you for the love you have for us, thank you for allowing us to call upon you at this hour, thank you for the administration of the school for enabling them organize such a wonderful meeting, thank you for the teachers present who have dedicated their lives to teach our children, thank you of the parents who have given this school school so that our teachers can teach them, thank  for the opportunity to come together as a community and we also want to remembers the leadership of this school being led by the headteacher, together in one accord we want to thank you for this day, you know what brought us here and we want to commit everything to your able hands that you guide and take us through the meeting, the issues before hand cannot be tackled without your helping hand, be with us we start, fill us with your wisdom and knowledge to be able to accomplish all that is at hand, be with us as we start, for we pray believing in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus.amen

prayer before parent teacher meeting

Thank you Lord for the love you have for us, thank you Lord for allowing us to be here today in this parent teachers meeting,  there are a lot of issues ahead of us that we want to discuss that touches on our children, we pray Lord that you give us wisdom and knowledge so that as we deliberate on the,  we may be able to find solutions that will bring harmonious development of our children as we begin this meeting we pray for your presence to be with us and abide with us until we conclude the meeting for we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen

Closing prayer for parent teacher meeting

prayer before parent teacher meeting

Dear loving Father in heaven in the name of our Lord Jesus, we want thank you for the love and care you have for us, thank you for this meeting for our parents and teachers of this school, as we we begin we pray that  you abide with us, carry us through the meeting, guide and fill us with wisdom so that it can be a fruitful meeting, be with us as we begin this meeting, till the end, for we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

prayer before parent teacher meeting

opening prayer for PTA meeting

Dear loving Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we humbly come to the throne of grace at this moment knowing that you do hear us, thank you for allowing us to call upon you, thank you for this meeting that involves parents and teachers, as we share ideas , we pray that you guide and help us, be with us as we begin this meeting until the end for we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen

prayer before parent teacher meeting

Dear loving Father in heaven, in  the name of our Lord Jesus, we thank you for this opportunity that you have given us as parents an teachers to have this meeting that concern the welfare of our children, we thank you for each and every one of us who is here today, we thank you for the love and care that you have for us, as we begin this meeting we pray that you abide with us, we pray that you give us the spirit of understanding, we pray that you guide and take us through this meeting , we pray that you bless  the parents who came here for this meeting, we pray that you bless each teacher who is present here, we pray that you bless this school, we pray that may we be able to see your hand in every part of our lives, thank you for giving us this opportunity as we begin be with us until we finish for we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

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