Here is the prayer before reading scripture that you can use to open up the bible as you study the word of God.
Find the opening prayer below that you can use to open the word of God
Loving God who is in heaven, I come before you at this hour to thank you allowing me to open this bible has what you stored up for me since the laying of the foundation of the world,I take this opportunity to give you honor for this provision. As I read this word that speak of your will, want to ask you to open my mind to see exactly what you want me to know,enlighten my inner eyes to see clearly, fill me with your wisdom and knowledge so that I can grow and be able to walk according to your statutes, even as I finish reading and doing my bible study, May you give me strength to sustain the mantra that have started with in doing this bible study. Be with me always, for i pray trusting in the name of Jesus. Amen
Dear loving God who is in heaven, this is an hour that I want to come before you with thanksgiving in my heart, thanking you for allowing me to come before you, thank you for this word that have opened, as I study it , open my eyes to see what am supposed to see in between this word that speaks of you, you have said in your word that this word is life and spirit, may you speak directly to my heart, help me to hide this word in my heart so that it can help me to walk uprightly while in this world, you have also said that this word is a lamp unto my feet and it will lighten the paths that I walk in, thank you for your provisions, forgive me where I go wrong, am your child and have surrendered fully to you so that you can guide and help me because am in the midst of enemies, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen
prayer before reading the bible
Dear loving God who is in heaven, I want to thank you for allowing me to call upon you at this hour, am about to read your word so that I can sow it in my heart to change me so that I can see what is your will, I ask you to send your Holy Spirit to reveal to me what am reading now, thank you for your love and care, May I learn to walk according to your will in Jesus name I pray and believe. Amen
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