prayer for restoration and blessing

Here is the prayer for restoration and blessing to help as you pray to thank God for the restoration that is in Jesus

No matter what we go through life,the mercies of the Lord is always upon us and God is good,

Imagine He showed His love when send the son Jesus Christ to restore back all that the devil had taken.

We are now blessed in Jesus.

This is had to believe but is very true, you need faith to start enjoying the blessings that is in Jesus.

I know right now you feel overwhelmed with many things.

Maybe life is not working the way you expected to go and maybe have been trying to work out and feel like luck is not on your side.

Is your heart burdened by many bad things to you and your family?

This is the time now to start experiencing what God has already given in life,imagine living all your life and yet we already have blessings in Jesus.

As we join you in prayer right now, take it by faith and possess it right now. Our heavenly Father is good,the father of our Lord Jesus.

Below is a prayer you can join along as we prayer and believe in the restoration and blessings from God that is in Jesus because it is there for us.

Let us pray now

prayer for restoration and blessing

Father and my God, in the name of our Lord Jesus want to come before you with thanksgiving in my heart,praising and glorifying for your love and protection,want to thank you for your providence,thank you for your mercies and care.Dear Lord want to thank you for your grace,at this hour want to thank you for your tender care, I want to ask for forgiveness in walking in  the wrong path,forgive for my unbelief and help me to keep walking in thy ways, fill me with your revelation truth so that can be able to enjoy the blessings that is in Jesus Christ,thank you for hearing and answering my prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

I believe the above prayer guide has helped.

Just walking as the child of the light.

Even if there will be challenges here and there,just know that God who is in you is greater than what is outside you.

We are praying for you and keep praying because all is well and you are already blessed.

Below here is a box that you can leave your name and email so that we can keep praying for as we trust in the Lord with our whole heart.

Thank you and God bless you

prayer to remove bad luck

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