prayer request for healing

Here is the prayer request for healing form that you can fill your request and others will join you from around the world so that God will answer your prayer.

Welcome to our page, you are here because you need others to join you in prayer, we are a team of dedicated individuals from around the world, who are doing intercessory prayers, we pray and as well teach you to pray.

You can submit your prayer request in the box below here and the prayer warriors will join you in prayer.

We humbly make a request to you that, don't forget to keep praying, you can use our sample prayers in this website to pray along.

Down this page, we have sample pray that you can use.

Here is the form to submit your prayer request for healing.

healing prayer request here

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Loving God who is in heaven, I humbly come before you at this hour, thanking you for allowing me to call upon you, thank you for the love you have for me, you showed your mercies in that while I was in darkness and ignorant, while was in sin , you send your son Jesus Christ and to die, and through His death, today am free, that is why I boldly come before your through of grace to obtain mercy, despite my body feeling weak because of the sickness, I know through the stripes am healed, thank you Father for your care and thank you for hearing and answering my prayer through the mighty name of Jesus I pray and believe.Amen

prayer request for healing

prayer request for healing -prayer sample to pray a long

Oh God in heaven, our creator and redeemer, through your grace that is in Jesus Christ, I come before you with prayer requests, my brethren who are reading this site at this hour are suffering and you know exactly what they are ailing from, you have made a promise in Psalms 103 and verse 3 that you have healed us from all diseases including the one our friend who is reading this prayer is suffering from, we ask you that the promise be made a live on the body of our friend, so that she can be set free, we command any disease in her body to leave in the mighty name of Jesus, we honor and give you glory because you hear us, thank you for your love and thank you for your care, we glorify and praise you at this hour through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.Amen

prayer request for healing

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