prayer that bring good luck

Here is the prayer that bring good luck to you and your family. We have provided prayer points below here to assist as you pray

Practice to pray every day for yourself, your family and even to remember to pray for those you work with if you are working.

If you have children, don't forget to pray for them as you pray for yourself.

If you are married, please remember your spouse in prayer to have the favor of god wherever he or she shall be.

Let us have the prayer points to assist you

Prayer points

  • Oh Lord thank you for this day that have seen in my life
  • Thank you for all that you have blessed my hands with
  • Thank you for the gift of life
  • Thank you for my husband and children
  • Thank you for the opportunity to call upon you
  • Thank you for the unfailing promises that you have given us through Jesus Christ
  • Thank you for the grace that you have given us as a gift
  • Thank you for the provisions that you have given us through the name of Jesus Christ.

prayer that bring good luck -prayer sample 

Here is the prayer sample to guide and help you as you pray for good luck in your life and that of your family members

Dear heavenly Father, thank you for your love and care, thank you for allowing me to come before you through the name of our Lord Jesus. Thank you for waking me to see another day that have never seen in  my life, I take this opportunity to thank you for your grace that is sufficient in my life, I thank you for everything in my life that you have blessed me with, I to bring my husband to your able hands that you continue protecting and guiding him in all that he is doing,thank you for the work you have blessed his hands to do, continue revealing yourself to him, thank you for my growing children, I cover them with the blood of Jesus, may the grow knowing you Lord, fill them with your knowledge and wisdom so that they may not depart from your righteous ways, as I set out to go and perform the work you have blessed my hands to do, I ask you to go before me and open doors that no man will shut, thank you for your love and care for I pray and believing in the name of Jesus.Amen

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