prayers for help in times of need

Here are prayers for help in times of need to help as you seek for heavenly intervention over your situation

Thank you for visiting our page as we join you in prayers.

We understand what you are experiencing currently and the hope we can cling on is prayer.

We know the power of prayer and we are sure the Lord is going to meet you at your point of need because He has promised to do so.

Our loving Father cares for us and we need to cast all our cares to Him.

Let us now prayer

prayers for help in times of need

My heavenly Father, I want to come before you through the mighty name of Jesus Christ,thanking you for the gift of life that you have granted me,I thank you for the grace that is sufficient to me,I take this opportunity to bring my request to you,I know you already know what am going through,my heart is heavy and feel down because of the many things in my heart,I have nowhere to go and you are my only help,thank you Father for your faithfulness and goodness that you show us for eternity,dear loving I know you you care for me and am casting all my cares to you,am free now through the name of my Lord Jesus,thank you for hearing and answering my prayer through the name of Jesus.Amen

Heavenly Father,am grateful to come before you through the name of our Lord Jesus,my father at hour I have no strength because feel all hope is gone,I have a lot of debts,my house is almost auctioned,have looked and searched for help but can't find anywhere,dear loving God,I know you already have an answer to my situation,help me now,let my heart be freed from this burden,let me have the peace that surpasses human understanding,thank you Father for caring for me and helping me out,I give you honor and glory forever through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

Make sure you pray the prayer four or five times a day and pray without stopping.

We are also praying for you and we are sure the Lord will meet your needs. He mercies endures forever.

If we are able to see with faith through the promises given to us and we know that the promises are yes and amen in Jesus Christ.

Keep praying and we are also praying for you.

Leave us with your name below and shall keep mentioning you in our payer,use the form below to send us your name and email.

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