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Aug 16, 2018

by: Pastor Hesbon

We thank God that you have forgiven the person who did that.The word of God says,before you pray if you hold anything against anyone forgive.And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.(Mark 11:25-26).

Here is the prayer guide to help you as you pray over the situation.

My heavenly Father, thank you for allowing me to call upon you at this,I want to thank you for allowing me to use the name of Jesus, you know my situation and the person who allowed himself to be used by the devil,I take the authority that you have given me in that name and cut off any link associated with the curse of witchcraft,I command the demons and spirits associated with witchcraft to leave in Jesus name,thank you for setting me free in Jesus name. I give you honor and glory in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen

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