During the day of fasting and prayer you need to do the following and also pray the following prayer that we have given in our pages below here.
What a better way to prepare for the day a part from committing the day before God in prayer, it is only God who knows the beginning and the end, if we surrender all our lives to Him, He shall guide and show us the way.He will has well protect us from any harm and danger
Together we want to pray and we are asking you to join us in prayer, we have given the daily morning prayer below here that you can also pray along as we as God to be with us in all our activities and every where we go.
Let us pray now.
Dear loving God who is in heaven, this is the morning of a new day , a day have never seen in my life, and it is you who have made me see it again in my life, that is why I want to take this precious moments to come before you this morning through the name of my Lord Jesus, thanking you for making it possible for me to call upon you, it is you who has promised me in the book of Jeremiah that if I call upon you, you will hear and answer, you will show me great and marvelous things that have never seen in my life, may this promise come to pass as I start this day, I don't know what lies a head of me, am a human being who is limited, my life depend on you for direction, show me what am supposed to do and follow, forgive me for my lack of understanding, I want to fix my heart on you, continue helping me to renew it so that I can be able to discern good from evil, as I set out to go and do the work that you blessed my hands to do, may your presence go with me everywhere I shall be, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer this morning for I have prayed through the name of my Lord Jesus.Amen
Thank you God for you have brought me to another beautiful morning, a morning full of joy and love, I come before you through the name of my Lord Jesus, thanking for your protection through the night, thank you for the sweet dreams I had, this is the day a begin my life a new, I commit this day to your able hands, may you guide and protect me whenever I shall go and bring me back safely to this house through the name of my Lord Jesus I pray and believe.Amen
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