opening prayer for ladies meeting

Here is the opening prayer for ladies meeting that you can download so that you can use the ready to use prayer that we have prepared for you down here in our pages. You can the prayer instantly.

Dear loving Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus, we want to thank you for the gift of life, thank you for allowing us to come together here as ladies for this meeting, we pray that you presence may abide with us, we pray that the issues that have brought us together us ladies, we may be able to discuss them with love in this meeting, thank  you for the promise of the Holy Spirit you have given us in your word, we have faith that the Holy Spirit is ministering to us, as we begin this meeting may you be with us until we finish, thank you for hearing and answering our prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus, we pray and believe.Amen

opening prayer for ladies meeting


Lord of Mercy, what a joy to come before your presence at this moment when we are about to start this ladies meeting,

opening prayer for ladies meeting

Loving Father in heaven, we humbly approach the throne of grace with thanksgiving in our hearts, as we start this ladies meeting, may you guide and help us conduct it well with love.

opening prayer for ladies meeting

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