prayer against attacks at work

Here is the prayer against attacks at work that you can pray so that God can protect you against those who are against you and be with you as you work in your workplace.Find the prayer below here in our page.

Find the prayer below here so that you can pray along and ask God to protect you against the attacks

prayer against attacks at work

Dear heavenly Father, I want to thank for allowing me to call upon you at this hour through the mighty name of Jesus,thank you for the gift of life and thank you for making it possible for me to report at my work station, thank you for blessing me with this job  but currently I feel unhappy because of the discouragement am getting from my colleagues, they seem not to like me, I want to ask you to open my eyes so that I can see what am  not seeing, I need to be happy the way I used to be, thank you because you will help me out,thank you for hearing and answering my prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus I pray and believe.Amen

Dear gracious God who is in heaven,  through the name of Jesus that you have given me, I want to thank you at this hour for allowing me to call upon you, you have promised to hear me and show me great and marvelous things that I don't know, at time Father you know and understand my cries, since I joined this company have never had peace, am hit from all corners, nobody likes me including my boss, I don't know what to do, I feel like resigning and going a way from this company  but my family depend on me and have to feed them, I have decided to come to you, you help me out, I know you are a merciful God and will.not leave me alone, thank you because your ear is listening  to me, any answer you give me i know it comes from you. Thank you for your love. I pray through name of Jesus. Amen

prayer against attacks at work

Dear loving God who is in heaven, I come before you at this work with thanksgiving in my heart knowing that you hear me, thank you for the opportunity you have given me to call upon you at this hour when am experiencing a lot in this work, I know you blessed me to have this work and you will carry me through in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen

prayer against attacks at work

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