prayer before church meeting

Here is the prayer before church meeting that you can use to open up a meeting you are about to have as a church. Find the prayer below here in our page.

Find the opening prayer below here to help you start off a church meeting.

prayer before church meeting

Oh God who is in heaven, am grateful to you to see another morning in my life, a day that have never seen in my life, as you have promised in your Holy Word that if we call upon you you will hear and answer us, at this hour of the morning I want to bring my church family to your throne of grace to obtain mercy, may you protect and hid us under your everlasting arm from the whiles of the devil, we fully surrender to you knowing that you will forever protect us, thank you for your everlasting goodness, we ask you to be with us in all the activities we shall be performing during this day, thank you for ear is always ready to listen to us, forgive us Father when we go wrong and correct us so that we can be able to always follow your ways that you have made for us, thank you for your grace that is sufficient, thank you for hearing us this morning for we pray believing in the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

prayer before church meeting

Heavenly Father, we come before you with thanksgiving in our hearts, thank you for awakening us to see another day in our lives, thank you for taking care of us through the night, thank you for giving us sweet dreams, thank you for the love you have given us as your children, we honor and give you glory, thank you for the provisions that you have given us, you know each and every one of us and we know that you are taking care of us, we trust and hope in you always, we ask you that you be with us as we start this day, and may your name be glorified always in Jesus name we pray and believe.Amen

prayer before church meeting

Dear loving Father, we humbly come before you this hour of the morning before we set out for the work you have blessed our hands to do, we thank you as a family and give you honor, be with us according to your will in Jesus name we pray and believe.Amen

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