prayer before conference meeting

Here is the prayer before conference meeting that you can use to open up a conference meeting you are about to have. Find the prayer below here in our page.

Find the opening prayer below here to use it to open up a conference meeting.

Dear loving Father who is in heaven, we want to thank you for bringing us together in this conference, as we are about to start it, we ask for your presence to be with us, guide us all through till it ends for we pray in the name of Jesus.Amen

prayer before conference meeting

Heavenly Father, we come before you as a family this morning, asking you for your divine protection as we leave our house this morning, thank you for your mercies that you renew each morning, protect us during this day, the work that is a head of us we commit to you and all the activities of the day, may you give us your grace to accomplish them well, thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name we pray and believe.Amen

prayer before conference meeting

Dear gracious God, I'm humbled through the name of Jesus to see another morning that have never seen in my life, thank you God for renewing your mercies that is enough to keep me going during this day, I know there are many wiles and trials that the evil one has placed my way this day, I want to thank you because you have promised not to leave nor forsake me and you will be with me when I go out and come in. Thank for the gift of life as I go out of my house let me be a blessing to many in Jesus name I pray and believe. Amen

Dear loving Father who is in heaven,thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity to come before this morning, a day that have never seen in my life,thank you for allowing me to call upon thee at this, am about to leave the house this morning, I want to ask you to  guide and protect me in all the places, go before me and open doors that no man will shut them, strengthen my paths so that I can walk through them, thank you for your good mercies that keep revealing then in my life, thank you for hearing me, hold my hands and show me the way in Jesus name i pray and believe. Amen

prayer before conference meeting

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