prayer for small group meeting

Here is the prayer for small group meeting that you can use when you meet as a bible study group or any group to discuss issues.

Prayer for small groups is below here

prayer for small group meeting

Dear loving God,  thank you for this wonderful opportunity to study your word as a small group, I know through it I will know your will,thank you for your love which showed that while I was still a sinner Jesus died on the cross for me to be set free, I ask you for the Holy Spirit that you have promised to give freely to guide and illuminate to me to know more of what am reading from the scripture,  thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name I pray and believe. Amen

prayer for small group meeting

Dear loving father,I come before you through the mighty name of Jesus,thanking you for the care and love, thank you for speaking to me through your word, I have faith that it is spirit and life,it is through it that I can live a righteous life, you have spoken to me and help me now to live according to what you have revealed to me, May your name be lifted up forever and ever. Amen 

Dear loving father,I come before you through the mighty name of Jesus,thanking you for the care and love, thank you for speaking to me through your word, I have faith that it is spirit and life,it is through it that I can live a righteous life, you have spoken to me and help me now to live according to what you have revealed to me, May your name be lifted up forever and ever. Amen 

prayer for small group meeting

Dear loving God who is in heaven, we thank you for opening our eyes to see the goodness in your word, today as a bible study group we have started from the book of Philippians 3:14 where you have shown to us that we need to run the race to get the ultimate prize of the goal which is in Jesus Christ, thank you for your word which is medicine to our soul, we shall keep depending on it as we do the bible study together, you for your grace that is sufficient to us, keep on filling us with the revelation knowledge so that we can be able to understand your will better, thank you for the Holy Spirit that has spoken to us,may your name be lifted up forever and ever. Amen

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