Sample Prayers for bad luck and curses and how to pray against any in life.
We the love of God is upon us and that is why He sent the son Jesus Christ to die and save us from any bad luck and curses that follows us when we are not in Jesus Christ.
Any one who has accepted Jesus Christ need to pray and contineuly pray against any known and uknown curses in life.
The pray below will help break one from any chain of curses and bad luck in life.
My heavenly Father, I want to come before you through the name of our Lord Jesus to thank and praise you for the love that you have given me in life, thank you for sending your son Jesus to die so that I can be saved. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity that you have granted to me to honor you for calling me your child.Dear loving Father, forgive my unbelief and help me to believe Lord because you are merciful,heavenly Father, what a joy in my heart for accepting me the same way I am and putting on in me the righteousness of Christ and through that I have confidence to come before you to ask you take a way any curses that is following me in life, I break it through the mighty name of Jesus and declare total deliverance in my life, I know your goodness always follows me and will rejoice in you forever, Lord of Mercy I want to resit any bad luck and ask you to fill me with your knowledge of truth, give me wisdom and understanding so that I can keep on walking in your holy laws that you have given me through your son Jesus Christ.
Dear Lord as I keep on learning of you want to thank you because of your continued revelation that you have given me, My Father,I want to pray also for others including my fellow church members,my family and even the citizens of my country so that you can break any chain of curses from their lives,thank you for your promises that are yes and amen in Jesus Christ and I know you will do it because of your glory.
Thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer through the name of our Lord Jesus I pray and believe.Amen
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