Follow the principles of fasting and prayer below that we have shared to help you carry a successful fasting prayer that you have always wanted to have, we have a guide in our pages to help with the exercise.
As we share the principles of Fasting and prayer below here so that you can have a look at them.
We have a YouTube sharing that you can listen and watch below before you can scroll down for more.
It takes the hand of God to finish fasting prayer well, through His mercies you will finish the fasting that you are planning. It is good to thank Him for protecting and taking care of you.
Below is a prayer sample for fasting and prayer that you have a look at and join hands together with us we pray together.
Dear loving God who is in heaven, let me take this precious moment to thank you for this wonderful opportunity to call upon you, thank you for the name of Jesus that you have given me and through it you will hear me, I want come to you through that name knowing that you hear, thank you for the love and care that you have for me, I give you honor and glory, thank you for the guidance and protection that you have given me through the day, you have been with me every where I went and visited, thank you for people you positioned on the way who were of great help, I will praise you forever, thank you for bringing me to my house safely, as I plan to retire to my bed, I want to ask you to give me sweet dreams, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen
Heavenly Father we come before you through the name of our Lord Jesus as a family with thanksgiving in our hearts, thank you for bringing us together as a family, you have guided and protect us in various places we were through the day, this evening we are meeting together for a fellowship to thank you and also retire to our beds, we want to thank you for your grace and goodness that you have us freely, we honor and praise you always, thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name.Amen
Dear God, in the name of my Lord Jesus, let me take this precious moment to thank you for your love and care, thank you for your blessings that you showered me with through the day, thank you for the grace that followed me everywhere I stepped at, thank you for the promise that you will never leave and nor forsake me, Lord as I sleep now want to ask you to surround me with peace that supersede human understanding, protect me and be with me through the night through the name of our Lord Jesus I pray and believe. Amen
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