Here is the good morning prayer for friends that you help as you remember some of your friends when praying in the morning
Oh God in heaven, I humbly come before you through the mercies that you have given me in Jesus name this morning, thanking you for giving me this opportunity to pray to you, at this hour of the morning I want to remember all the friends that have crossed my path and whom we have interacted in one way or another, I pray that anywhere they are, may you remember them Father, I pray that you shower them with much blessings from heaven,I pray that as they wake up this morning, may your joy and happiness accompany them during the day and wherever they shall be during this day, I pray Lord that anything they touch this day may it flourish in Jesus name, fill them with wisdom and knowledge together with understanding so that they can tackle all issues that they come across in the course of the day, may your love flow through them so that honor and glory will be unto you, thank you Father for the friendship that you have given me may it last long for the period we are going to be in this temporal temple, I will forever honor and glorify you for answering my prayer through the name of Jesus I pray and believe.Amen
Heavenly Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus I come before you this beautiful morning that you have given me in Jesus name, let me take this precious moment to thank you for the gift of life, thank you for the opportunity to serve you through the hands you have given me, thank you for the home that you have given me, thank you for my family and children, thank you for the friends that you have given me whom we share love, at this hour of the day I want to remember them in pray, may you keep them Father in perfect peace, may you answer their requests that they have been praying unto you, whatever they are doing anywhere they are right now Lord, I bring them to you that you fill them with wisdom and knowledge to tackle issues with integrity, as I start this day, I commit everything to your able hands, guide and protect me through your mighty hand, thank you for your grace, I will forever praise you in Jesus name.Amen
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