morning prayer for family

Sample morning prayer for family for you to use as you pray together with your family or when you want to pray for your family if you are far from them.

Dear loving God who is in heaven, am humbled to come before you this morning through the grace that you have given me, thank you for allowing me to call upon you and may your name be glorified, I want to take this opportunity to bring my family to your able hands, thank you for your promises that you have me in your word, you have promised that if I call upon you ,you will hear and answer in Jesus name, at this hour I want to remember my family which is not with me here, am far from them and feel lonely but I know that your presence is with them, thank you for your goodness and mercies, I want to pray that you continue taking care of them, even if physically will are not with them but in spirit we are together, comfort them and may your everlasting peace be with them always, thank you for your grace that is sufficient, as I start this day may you protect and be with me through the day, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name I pray and believe. Amen

morning prayer for family

morning prayer for family

God of mercy, we come before you this morning me and my family to thank you and praise you together for enabling us see another day that we have never seen in our lives, thank you for the gift of live that you have granted to each and every one of us, we commit ourselves to you to guide and protect us through the day, we want to ask you to go before us and open doors that no man can shut, may you open for us the opportunities we have always desired for you have promised that if we trust in thee you will do exactly as our hearts desires, we want to thank you for your mercies and goodness that always follows, you have said in your word that you renew the mercies each morning, thank you for all that you have done to each and every one of us, thank you for binding us with cord of love that can never be broken, we praise and glorify you for hearing and answering our prayers in Jesus name.Amen

morning prayer for family

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