prayer for christian marriage restoration

Here is the sample prayer for christian marriage restoration that you can pray a long so that God can intervene over your situation

Prayer will restore marriage back to what it was from the beginning.

No matter what you experience, our loving God will forgive and restore all back to what it was.

We are here so that we can pray together and we know that prayer is all that we need.

We are also praying for you and we commit your marriage to God for restoration, never give up but continue praying and having faith in God. All shall be well.

Below here you will find prayer samples that we have given you, so that you can pray a long for the intervention from heaven over your marriage.

We also have a form that you can fill to share with us your experiences so that others can join you in prayer, together we can in Jesus name.

prayer for christian marriage restoration

Here is the sample prayer for christian marriage restoration that you can pray a long with us...

Oh God who is in heaven, my creator and redeemer, what a joy from my heart coming before your presence through the name of our Lord Jesus, knowing that you hear me and want to save me, thank you for what you did on the cross when you sent your son Jesus Christ, to die for me so that I can be free, at this hour as you have promised in your word that I don't be anxious but by prayer and supplication I make my request be know to you, that is exactly what am doing, you know how my heart is heavy because of the the experiences an problems that am having in this marriage,I many go through a lot but mine seems to be worse, dear Lord I know your presence is with me and you have promised that you will be with me always, I commit myself and my partner to you able hands that you helps us to get a long well so that we can have the same love that we had when we married each other, we have reached a point that we don't talk and even share anything, Holy God, there is nothing that can take you by surprise and that is why am asking you to come in between us and sort us out so that we can be restored back together again, give me the patience to wait as you work it for me, may you be glorified forever in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen 

Dear loving God who is in heaven , I humbly come before you through the name of Jesus Christ despite feeling low, I have been struggling in this marriage and don't know what to do, my husband want to divorce me, am praying that you help to restore this marriage to what it was before, with you norhing is too hard, I surrender to you dear Lord and I know you will help me out,thank you for hearing my cries in Jesus name i pray. Amen

prayer for christian marriage restoration

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