Prayer for finding work

Here is how to pray a prayer for finding work or job that includes a promise from God.

Every answered prayer  is hidden behind the promise of God.

And all promises in Jesus are Yes and Amen

As you are going to pray a prayer for finding job, you need to believe that God has already answered your prayer and you only need to thank God as you receive the blessing from Him.

Here is a sample prayer

Sample prayer for finding work

Dear loving Father who is heaven, I want to come before you through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, thanking you for your mercies,I'm very grateful for your care and protection you have given me so far.

Dear Father you have promised that whatever I ask in the name of our Lord Jesus you shall give me,Dear God, you know and understand my current situation,my eyes are closed and have not seen the job that you have blessed my hands to do, thank you because you have provided me through Jesus Christ,thank you for the grace that you have given me to be patient as I wait, thank you for the provisions and many people you have lined on the way to bless me as I come in and go out,may your name be gloried now and forever more in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen

As you seek for a job, it is good also to intercede on behalf of the people whom God has lined on the way to bless you.

God uses people to bless us and therefore it is good to pray for them so that the devil cannot intercept on the way.

Here is an intercessory prayer that you can pray for those people including the employer who will give you a job or work

prayer for finding work

Dear loving Father,

Thank you for allowing me to come before your through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for your goodness Lord, I know Father that you have a already for my hands to do and want to pray for the people you have positioned on the way who will bless me and thank you for the favor in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen

prayer for finding work

Merciful Lord,let me thank in the name of our Lord Jesus,thank you for the opportunity to pray for my employer whom you have given favor to bless me with work,thank you for your grace and love Lord in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen

prayer for finding work

My heavenly Father, am coming before you at this hour with thanksgiving in my heart, thank you for giving me this opportunity to call upon you, thank you for the love you have for me, I humbly come before you at this hour, thank you for blessing me with work to do, give me wisdom and knowledge to know how to do it and serve others better, thank you for your presence ,protect me from any harm and danger in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen

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