Thursday morning prayer

Here is the Thursday morning prayer to help thank God for making you see the day in you life

Before you set out to do the work that God has blessed your hands to do, let God guide you when you go out and come in.

We want to thank God for this day of Thursday, you can join in prayer this morning by praying a long with us

Thursday morning prayer

Thursday morning prayer

As I arise this Thursday morning Lord, I want to come before you through the mighty name of our Lord Jesus, thanking you for waking me up this morning to go out and serve, dear loving God as I set out of this house am asking you to fill me with your word and let your light shine through me, and every one I will meet this Thursday may they see you through me Lord.I'm honored to call you Abba because in my weakness you are my strength and you will raise me up when I fall down, give me courage to face this Thursday with all energies that comes from you, guide and protect me from the attacks of the enemy because you are my fortress, I will always praise you from my heart. Keep me safely wrapped under your everlasting arms, let me be a light upon those who are discouraged because you will shine through me, thank you for your everlasting love and mercies, keep me at perfect peace during this Thursday, I will honor you forever in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen

Thursday morning prayer

Oh God of mercy, it is by your grace that have seen this Thursday morning, let me thank you for giving me this opportunity to be at your service, here I am Lord use me to do the work you had assigned me, thank you for the wonderful love you have for me, as I step out of the house may your presence go with me, thank you for your care, thank you for your goodness, thank you for your mercies, let your name be gloried always, I pray this prayer in Jesus name.Amen

prayer for Thursday morning

Oh God in heaven I humbly come before  this Thursday morning with thanksgiving in my heart,thank you for giving me this precious moment to call upon you at this hour, I ask you Lord that as I see out of my house this morning may your everlasting hand guide and protect me during this day,bless me beyond my imagination,thank you loving God for hearing my prayer this Thursday through the name of our Lord Jesus I pray. Amen

Thursday morning prayer

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