prayer after work in office

Looking for prayer after work in office? Here is a sample prayer to guide and help you to pray on a daily basis after work

majority of us who have discovered the secret behind the power of prayer will not come out of the office without uttering or whispering a prayer to God.

The sample prayer we have given below here is meant to encourage as well as give a guideline on the words to us when you are about to pray.

Finishing the day well is by grace of God.

Imagine how many people around the world plan the day well in the morning and go to work hoping to return back in the evening to come and see their families but never happen to see.

In one way or another the devil intercept and kills them before reaching home,through accidents or other means, as you have come to the end of the day in the office, it is good to take few minutes to thank God for the divine guidance and protection.

As you head home, ask the Lord to give you the traveling mercies back home so that you can reach safely and once you are at home praise the Lord for His goodness.

We see this ritual of remaining constant in prayer to be god.

That is the reason whey we created this prayer ministry so that together we can keep on praying. We thank you for visiting our page and we assure you that you are in our prayer wherever you are in the world.

Let us now look at the prayer after work in office. It is a simple prayer you utter before you leave the office for home.

prayer after work in office

Heavenly Father, through the name of the Lord Jesus, I want to thank you for guiding and protecting me through the day, thank you for sending your Holy angels who have protected me from any harm and danger of the devil,thank you for love and care that you have shown to us who are working in this office,thank you for the people who visited this office and you enabled us to serve them well, as now am leaving home to have a rest and plan for the day of tomorrow, want to ask you to give me traveling mercies to reach home safe,thank you for your goodness and faithful you have to me through the name of our Lord Jesus I pray and believe.Amen

prayer after work in office

prayer for reaching home after work

Oh Lord, in the name of our Lord Jesus, let me take this opportunity to thank you for your care and the name of Lord Jesus thank you for the mercies that you have for me,thank you for the protection that you have granted me from work to here,it has taken your hand to enable me reach safely, I want to ask you to be with me through the night,grant my your angels and give me peaceful night and dreams through the name of our Lord Jesus.Amen

prayer after a good day at work

Dear heavenly Father, what a joy to see another day ending,thank you for your protection and care that you have given us during this day, We praise and give you honor to you, as we disperse and leave to our homes be with us and guide us all through,until we meet tomorrow here at work,thank you for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name we pray and believe.Amen


prayer after work in office

Oh God who is in heaven, am grateful to come before your presence this evening after seeing me finish the day well, I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you in this office, thank you for all people who passed through my hands, where I went wrong while serving them,I ask you Lord to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness, a time has come when am leaving this office and go home, may you give me your traveling mercies to reach home safely, may you protect me from any harm and danger, be with me through the night until tomorrow when you will bring me here again for another day to serve the people who will be coming for the service, I will always honor you and praise you for everything, thank you for your love and care, may your name be gloried now and forever more in Jesus name I pray and believe.Amen

prayer after work in office

God, thank you for seeing me through this day, as I leave this office may your presence go with me, thank you for hearing and answering me in Jesus name.amen

Loving Father who is in heaven, let me take this precious moment to thank you for allowing me to be in this office this day, thank you for you mercies and love that you have given me, thank you for the peace that have experienced this day, I honor you and praise you, as I leave for home,may you divine presence be with me all through in Jesus name I pray.amen

Dear loving Father in the name of my Lord Jesus, I come before your presence at this hour thank you for this day, thank you for your grace, thank you for giving me a chance to serve in this office, thank you for protecting me, thank you for enabling me finish the day well, a time has come when am leaving this office, as I head home I pray that you go with me, thank you for the promise you have given me in your word that you will be with me when I go out and come in, guide and be with me till I report again at this work place, I know Father that you care and hear when I call upon you, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus name.Amen

prayer after work in office

Dear loving Father in heaven, in the name of our Lord Jesus, I want to thank you for this moment you have given me at this hour to call upon you, thank you for your grace that is sufficient, the moment I came to this office I asked you to guide and be with me until I finish the work of the day, thank you Lord for I finished the work of the day, a time has come when am leaving this place to go home and pray for the tomorrow, I pray Lord that you guide my steps home, be with me and help me prepare for tomorrow work, thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in the name of our Lord Jesus I pray and believe.Amen

evening prayer after work

closing prayer for work

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